About Us
The Westminster Historical Society was established on January 25, 1973. The aim of the Society is “…to be the discovery and the preservation of our Heritage, by documentary, oral and visual projects”. This organization shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members. Any profit or other gains to the Organization shall be used in promoting its objectives. Our society is a member of the Ontario Historical Society.
In 2006 the Society published two books on the history of the Westminster and Delaware Townships: Volume 1 – Honouring Our Roots; Volume Two – Together in History. Both these books are indexed on our Website and available for purchase. For more information visit our Publications page. In 1993 the City of London assumed the remaining areas of Westminster Township. As of that date, Westminster Township ceased to exist.
Our collection of documents and visual projects are available for viewing at the Heritage Room in the Lambeth Public Library. There are volunteers staffing the Heritage Room Wednesdays 9:30-11 30 am and Thursdays 1:30 pm-3:30 pm. Special appointments can be made by completing the Contact Form. A volunteer with the society will contact you to make the arrangements.

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By Mail
Westminster Township Historical Society
Box 412 Delaware Ont. N0L 1E0